Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 36- "Calm After the Storm"

This was after a little rain Tuesday 7-13-2010. I guess my second favorite pic to take is the sun behind clouds? The sky is an every changing canvas and regularly provides a photograph worthy of snapping.

Day 35- "Little Ole Me"

This was on Monday 7-12-2010. That little bird on the line could think all that splendor is for him! I love how the rays are coming down on him.

Day 34- "Mommy and Her Babies"

Normally we don't have little baby turkeys come up to the feeding spot until they are at least twice as old. Maybe the hot summer has something to do with it? Anyways these little guys are normally unseen until they can fend for themselves somewhat. We have never seen them in the wild this small before. This was Sunday 7-11-2010. Cute little buggers aren't they?

Day 33- "I'll Get You My Pretty"

It looks like one of the trees from the Wizard of Oz doesn't it? So cool! I t looks like it catching the clouds too. This was at a graduation party Saturday 7-10-2010 out in the sticks. I had some great wheat field shots but this one takes the cake! (and your little dog too)

Day 32- "Peek-a-Boo"

This is cool how the sun is hidden and can't quite poke through the hole in the clouds. It can make for an intimidating look. The clouds are dark like it will storm any time now on that Friday 7-09-2010 but it cleared up fairly quick.

Day 31- "Fishing Hole"

I like this shot. The sun is just out of it enough to not wash it out but make a huge difference. This is one of those drive-by shots that you hope comes out. I've been trying to get this pond for several tries now. I thought I'd actually missed it again with this one Thursday morning 7-08-2010. I love the tint, reflection off the water, and the ambiance from the whole scene. I even like the bent sign. I'm not sure why but it somehow fits like it's suppose to be here.

Day 30- "Oh Say Can You See?"

Love this shot! Under the American flag is the POW flag. The background made a perfect showcase for it. This was Wednesday morning 7-07-2010. Once again some of you locals may be able to figure out where this was taken. That is a school building in the background.

Day 29- "Passin' Over the Overpass"

This gives a wide range of things to focus on. You have the train tracks, a river, the trees, and the look in the rear view mirror. My wife asked me on Tuesday 7-06-2010 what I was taking a picture of and I answered, "I'll know when I get to look at it." Sometimes you got to just take the picture and hope it's as good as you think it is. Driving and taking pictures is not too easy but I've learned how take a descent shot every now and then.

Day 28- "Oh Deer"

We had a guest in our backyard Monday 7-05-2010. This little guy was just walking around like he owned the place. He blocked the drive way then moseyed on back to the salt lick we have for them in the backyard. He hung around for a good ten minutes which is very long for deer. They are very skittish and usually eat very little before they take off.

Day 27- "Poofy"

Another fine specimen from my wife's garden. This is what grows on top of an onion stem above ground. Not sure why it's there but it makes for a nice picture. Sunday 7-04-2010 was warm but nice for a walk through the garden.

Day 26- "Stop and Smell the Butterfly"

Most of the time I see the butterfly only when it's leaving. Today I saw him sticking around a while. Not sure if the flower is a carnation or not but it blooms up and down the main stem at all different times. It was very peaceful 7-03-2010 Saturday afternoon.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 25- "Bad Moon Arising"

Not the moon but that building looks on fire! This is behind work again Friday 7-02-2010. Behind that tree is a water tower. You can make out part of it here.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 24- "Ray of Light"

I like the way the reflection is captured here on my car. I was able to snap this pic showing the star burst without having the light wash out the rest of the surroundings unlike a direct shot. This was Thursday 7-01-2010.

Day 23- "Gimme Five"

Didn't have much that stood out picture-wise today until I noticed my shadow. Shadows are cool because they distort the objects that create them. Here my legs are huge while my head and hand is tiny. It also made my driveway look different in the sunlight this Wednesday morning 6-30-2010.

Day 22- "Good Morning"

This was Tuesday morning 6-29-2010. If I haven't mentioned it before, I love sunsets/sunrises. I don't think there is anything better to photograph. The way the sun reflects off the clouds as it's going up or down can be breathtaking to say the least. You can get a wide variety of colors too. This shot is from the back of my factory. Third shift does have it's advantages!

Day 21- "Down on the Farm"

I've always like barns and wanted to start taking pictures of them. I have missed out on quite a few that have fallen or been taken down. With my phone I can no longer say I don't have a camera with me. This was Monday 6-28-2010. I'll be more active looking for barns to photograph.

Day 20- "Leaning Lilies"

You every been to Mystery Hill? All the trees grow like this. They claim there is a strange magnetic pull of some kind on this hill that makes water flow uphill, guys are able to balance on a chair leaning against a wall 2 feet above the floor on a small ledge, and other weird stuff. It's all a parlor trick but I have a mystery hill in my backyard! Walking around my house on Sunday 6-27-2010 I noticed them for the first time. I've seen them but not from this angle. Maybe they're reaching for sunlight?

Day 19- "Catching a Full Moon"

6-26-2010 Saturday. I only took one picture this day because I was recovering from the looong week. I don't remember if the 'hands' around the moon are clouds or limbs. Being my phone has no focus or telephoto lens, i didn't expect much. The shot was good to take and it did come out have way decent.

Day 18- "Testosterone!"

It's funny what you can capture in a moments time. Until I saw this, I had no idea I was taking a picture of the intense competitive spirit of a boy. This was the final day of VBS 6-25-2010 on Friday. It has been a day of fun outside after an hour or so of music and Bible story. This year we had the Toledo Zoo stop by with some animals and info about the Amazon (since this was our theme.)
This year was very draining physically, mentally, and spiritually. I still say there is nothing like it and wouldn't miss it for the world.

Day 17- "Story Time"

Here's my buddy Sean teaching the boys the Bible story. It's Thursday 6-24-2010 and it's day 4 of VBS. He telling stories about how to pray to God. He is very good and the children always pay attention here.

Day 16- "Let Us Pray"

Here's day 3 on Wednesday 6-23-2010. This is the missions station. Steve Puffpaff is leading the children in a prayer. He is a missionary to Jamaica. I went in 2001 with our church on a missions trip there and helped get the orphanage ready. We also put on a VBS down there in the church. It was good hearing him again and getting a little update.

Day 15- "Crafty Look"

This is my church's annual Vacation Bible School on day 2- Tuesday 6-22-2010. This was our craft time. The boys are so creative. The mask has yard coming out of the nose which, of course, represents a booger. It kind of looks like he's coming out of the poster, don't it?

Day 14- "Vintage Drive"

6-21-2010 Monday night drive into work wasn't as difficult as this pic leads you to believe. I love how grainy it is and how you can just make out what is in the frame. I also love how my Palm Pre captures scenes in different lighting conditions. It is different than my quality Canon Rebel. I don't play with photos much with software so whatever I capture is what you see unless I indicate it.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 13- "Under the Lights"

6-20-2010 Sunday I tried this in the lights to see how it would look. I like it. I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.

Day 12- "Horsepower"

Saturday 6-19-2010 was the Bedford Days Parade. IT WAS HOT! I don't even know these people but those horses are sweet!

Day 11- "Watcher O'er the Shop"

Isn't this the coolest shot? That bird is real and it's perched on the Bass Pro Shop sign. It's like having deer cross in front of a deer crossing sign. I got out of my car on Friday morning 6-18-2010 to take it. I knew it was slightly a risk to get too close to him but it was a chance I was willing to least once, right?

Day 10- "Meatballs With a Side of Sunny"

This wasn't the best shot but it was the best one with the rays. Thursday 6-17-2010 was cloudy all day but the sun did make an appearance. I love taking pictures at dawn and dusk when clouds are involved. It is later in this picture but the clouds were working the sunlight just right.

Day 9- "Serenity"

Little pause in the posting but still taking pictures! Okay, lets get crackin'...Wednesday 6-16-2010. Some of you might be able to figure out where this shot was taken.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 8- "The Road I Traveled Less"

The shot is so cool!!! I love how my Palm Pre camera adjusts to the light and you see it on the screen. I've gotten some sweet shots just experimenting. Tuesday morning 6-15-2010 was drab. Nothing really stuck out as photo-worthy until I pointed up and saw the scene on the screen. I could only hope it captured what I saw. The long road ahead was just a huge bonus. I almost missed out on every shot I saw. It was a day where you almost had to stop and catch the shot before it went away. Kind of like life, you have to use the opportunities given you or you lose the chance. A sunset/rise only lasts 30 seconds or so before the shot is lost. God opens doors all the time but sometimes it's only for a certain time while a heart is ready. It could be a person you never met and may never see again having a conversation with you. God may hint loudly that you should discuss their relationship with God. Use that opportunity!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 7- "Ahh Pretty"

Another night shot to round out week one. Sunday night/Monday morning 6-14-2010. My favorite part is the dots. Not sure what made them. 51 more weeks and I'll have a year!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 6- "Weekend Project"

Nothing was post worthy or interesting today. I did one thing productive on Sunday 6-13-2010 and this is it. I worked in the lines thing I was talking about yesterday too. If you enlarge the pic you can see the old lamp under the eve. A massive improvement if you ask me! Did I say it works too?

Day 5- "West Virginian"

Well I had two separate sets of pictures I tried Saturday 6-12-2010. The sky and the lines in the brick of my house. I had a good one to go with in each set but honestly the day was all about the family. This kid is Chris Mayle and he doesn't live in West Virginia they use to but two years ago they moved to Ohio. It doesn't matter. They will always be West Virginians to us :-)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 4- "The Flying J's"

As you can tell by now I'm not a 'go exactly by the rules' kind of guy. This is my Friday pic but it was on the way to work. So, technically it was Thursday night 6-11-2010. I work third shift and when I wake up, I consider it the next day. It keeps everything organized and sane in my head :-) I saw some lights and thought NIGHT SHOTS! I turned off the flash and had some fun. Another thing I will do again!

Day 3- "I See Me"

Okay this one was taken Thursday 6-10-2010. I thought it was cool to see my car reflected on the tank but you can also see the car in the other lane 50 feet away! It has inspired me to look for reflections. I will use these trucks again!

Day 2- "Dreary"

Yuck! What a morning: construction and a dreary day on Wednesday 6-9-2010. Dreary: feeling, displaying, or reflecting listlessness or discouragement, having nothing likely to provide cheer, comfort, or interest. Exactly! I took the fewest amount of pics that day.

Day 1- "Good Morning Toledo"

Okay, here we go. I am going to attempt to take a photograph everyday to show 'my perspective today' for that day. I was inspired by DaNella Auten to try this. Her blog failed miserably. It wasn't bad it just didn't do the whole picture a day thing. Once I get the hang of this thing it should only take a few minutes to accomplish in a day. It is a challenge to keep me in the photograph mode and out of routine. I now own a Palm Pre so I carry a camera everywhere I go. Handy little contraption that I fell in love with before I even got it.
Enough background...this is the first post and I believe it was Tuesday 6-8-2010. I entitle it: "Good Morning Toledo" Quite inspiring isn't it? So good morning photo enthusiasts, it is day one of an adventure that may only end when electronics fail us.